Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Katie at Cuppa Joe tagged me to list 7 things that I am grateful for since it's near Turkey Day and all. Everyone that reads this blog and/or knows me knows that I practice gratitude every single day. I am extremely thankful for my family of four, my parents and siblings and the dear friends that have blessed my life over the years. I thank God for them every day and frequently tell them how much they mean to me (overly sentimental I guess). Now with that said, I chose to make this list a bit more lighthearted and these are 7 little things that I am thankful for:

1) Pampered Chef Coffee- the blend of vanilla, hazelnut and cinnamon not only smells heavenly but can wake me up on my most tired of this stuff.

2)My iPod- This makes a walk a pleasure and I can listen to my 80's tunes whenever I want without disturbing anyone else! If it's a bad day, I take it to work to help me ignore my co-workers too, LOL!

3) Girls Nights Out- I love getting together with friends and my sister (who is my best friend) to hang out and chat. I've been known to host a Skip Bo tournament or two for Girls Nights too, tee hee!

4) Sugar Free Russell Stover Jellybeans- love these soooo much! Think Jelly Belly without the sugar, I have and always will be a jelly bean fan. Cool beans!

5) People magazine- There is nothing I like better than getting home on a Friday with a fresh new People to read. Let me tell you too, I don't just flip through...I read the entire thing cover to cover. It's my "me" time after a long week and I look forward to getting the scoop and chilling.

6) Technology- I just know I'd die without my cell phone in my possession at all times, and owning a lap top and digital camera. Anyone else with me on that?!

7) Last but not least, I am so grateful for the spontaneous fun and silly times we have around here. I love to laugh, joke and play pranks and I have totally rubbed off on the rest of the gang!

So, my list ended up looking like the things I couldn't live without I guess (other than the humans I couldn't survive without listed above). This was fun Katie, thanks! OK, now everyone on my blogroll...consider yourself tagged, you're it!


Chris said...

Hey there!
I'm with ya on the People Magazine time! I always did it on Friday too. But now sometimes it waits til naptime on the weekend since Lindsay is so hands on these days!
I'm going to do mine soon~!

Anonymous said...

I love my People magazine! and jelly bellies! i like to mix 'em up. yummy as all get out. :)
thanks for playing along, Kimmie Kay! Loved your list. :)

Have a very happy Wednesday! :)

i have to sign in differently for some reason-blogger's being difficult.

Kimmie Kay said...

I'm getting that same log on Katie, weird! Thanks for the comments...People readers unite, LOL!