Saturday, October 11, 2008

Prayer Anyone???

I need to take this short time out blogger friends to ask those of you with Faith to please pray for my blogger friends, myself and the girls, my family, church family, and close friends. It seems that everywhere I turn in the last couple of weeks almost everyone I know is going through struggles of some sort. I know that God doesn't give any of us more than we can handle, but I can also relate to the thought of wishing that He didn't trust me so much! :) For me, reaching out and asking for prayers or help of any kind is hard, but I have learned that it also brings comfort and peace in knowing that I am not alone. I don't want to post names of the many folks on my prayer list, but let me tell you it is a long one! If you would, please take a few moments this week and simply pray for everyone on Kim's prayer list to be uplifted. I would appreciate my fellow blogger friends and awesome sisters in Christ!