As I sit here on a cold and rainy Saturday, feeling hungover from the girls sleepover last night, they are getting ready to go for a walk (cabin fever has set in I guess). Something dawned on me as I watched and heard them prepare to leave the house. Kaley will wash her face, laboriously brush her hair, and put on a designer hoodie and flip flops. Caroline quickly changes out of her pajamas, throws her hair into a ponytail, puts her sneakers on, and grabs her toy mouse while her sister finishes getting it together. Then, iPods in hand and dog on leash, they head outside to enjoy the rare and brisk weather. I yell out for Kaley to take her cell phone and wish them a good time.
I've always known that my girls are as different as they can be, in looks and personality. Caroline looks like my "mini me" as we're frequently told and Kaley acts exactly the same way I did at her age (my Mom's best revenge, tee hee). I have also often described the sister relationship as "love/hate", no matter who I am referring to (myself included). I see it in my girls too. Although they are complete opposites, they would go to the ends of the earth for each other (again as I would for my sisters) no questions asked and I truly love that about them. Sometimes I wish that the "hate" part of sisterhood in our house could disappear, but today I realize just how boring that would be.
This simple act of going for a walk together on a cold and rainy day, reinforced that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being different! In fact, I am so glad that my kids accept each other for being different as they do their friends. That makes me proud and happy for them for I know if they remember that as they continue to grow into young ladies it will serve them well.
I think this post goes into the category of yet another thing that my children have taught me. :)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Variety IS the Spice of Life!
Posted by Kimmie Kay at 1:22 PM 5 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Creeping Towards the Big 40 (kicking & screaming)
OK blogger pals, maybe I've had too much time on my hands to think since I've been home sick for a few days, or maybe it's because my 39th (and last acknowledged) birthday is in 6 days but I am stressing about 40 already! Anyone felt like this? I know most of you are younger than me, but I took 30 very well but I guess I'm not ready to bid farewell to the 30's in a year. Once I start thinking about all of the things I still want to do before the dreaded day approaches, I start realizing how fast the time flies and how much my kids are growing up seemingly overnight and it freaks me out. Most of my friends have younger children than me too, so that in itself makes me feel old, LOL! Lately I notice constant silly reminders that I am soon to be a dinosuar by our society's standards. I sure hope someone can relate and put my mind to rest. I know that I am a great person and am blessed with a wonderful family and support group of the best friends ever, but can't get the words "over the hill" out of my mind. I would guess that I'm like most busy Mom's...too hard on myself! Here's hoping I start to accept the inevitable over the next year and eventually embrace it. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest friends...whew!
UPDATE: After chewing on what you all had to say, I realized I shouldn't "sweat the small stuff" and God knows I have better things to worry about than how old I am, LOL! Seriously, I figure it's out of my control so I have to let my anxiety about it go and try my best to set a good example for the rest of my friends who are right behind me. Thanks for the reality check! :)
Posted by Kimmie Kay at 8:38 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
More Lindsay pictures and a New Poll
So, Chris and family are off at Disney now and we miss them already! We got to spend the dat together yesterday (although I was under the weather) and had fun on a "girlie day". Lindsay showed off her musical prowess on our cute is she?!She was actually playing the keys with her forearms, it was precious!
Little Miss basking in her applause during her "concert"...
Finally, here is Linds and Mom with Kaley & Caroline. Katie- check out how color coordinated everyone was and how my girls matched?! It will never happen again I'm sure, ha ha!
On a side note, I have found a few cool new blogs. Animal lovers will enjoy Teachings of the Horse and all Mommy's will get a chuckle out of This is How We Roll and Mommy Doodles. Check them out, you can click on their names in my blogroll on the right. Also, since we dragged out the Valentine's decorations today, I put up a new poll for your curiosity. Hope you all have a good week and remember to check Chris's blog later in the week for Disney pix!
Posted by Kimmie Kay at 6:59 PM 5 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Linday's IN THE HOUSE!!!!!
As if you don't see enough photos of Lindsay on blogger sis Chris's blog, I have more for you, LOL! These are special though cause these are of the little Miss in FLORIDA, hooray! We are sooo happy that the convention Mike goes to is in Orlando this year so we get a visit with the Bresnan family! Aunt Kimmie even got Lindsay her 1st Minnie and Mickey dolls to commemorate the trip. After a hellacious and exhausting experience on the way down (I'll let Chris fill you in more on that when she gets back), here's our first glimpse of everyone yesterday morning:How cute is this tot? She was ready for a nap by the time we got there but was still sooo sweet.
Mom-to-be again Chris is looking great too, I can't believe that you can barely see her bump. :)Once Lindsay adjusted to her new surroundings, she figured out something was up (a birthday party for our niece) and really liked the balloons. :)
Once we got all 3 of the family's youngsters down for a nap (including Caroline), Kaley, my niece and I took Chris for a slurpee at 7-11...a Florida tradition as Chris is addicted to them and can't get them at home! Part of the fun is also her collection of 7-11 photos too, ha ha...
Here's Linds digging in and making herself at home at Grammy's house with all of the toys. Grammy's house (my Mom) is THE best place to hang with kids as she has everything a parent could ever need for little ones. Lindsay really had a blast with her cousins and all the goodies there.
I think Lindsay inherited her Daddy's sweet tooth, he thought this piece of birthday cake was for him...silly Mike, tee hee!
This last shot was from this morning at my house. Linds slept most of the time, but sure was a happy camper when she got up. She truly is adorable and we are all so thankful for the time we get to spend with her (and her parents) this weekend. They are off now to see other relatives, but we have a fun girl's day planned tomorrow, so be sure to check back for even more pics and hopefully some adorable video!
Hope everyone is having as much fun as we are this weekend...
Posted by Kimmie Kay at 1:28 PM 5 comments