Thursday, January 24, 2008

Creeping Towards the Big 40 (kicking & screaming)

OK blogger pals, maybe I've had too much time on my hands to think since I've been home sick for a few days, or maybe it's because my 39th (and last acknowledged) birthday is in 6 days but I am stressing about 40 already! Anyone felt like this? I know most of you are younger than me, but I took 30 very well but I guess I'm not ready to bid farewell to the 30's in a year. Once I start thinking about all of the things I still want to do before the dreaded day approaches, I start realizing how fast the time flies and how much my kids are growing up seemingly overnight and it freaks me out. Most of my friends have younger children than me too, so that in itself makes me feel old, LOL! Lately I notice constant silly reminders that I am soon to be a dinosuar by our society's standards. I sure hope someone can relate and put my mind to rest. I know that I am a great person and am blessed with a wonderful family and support group of the best friends ever, but can't get the words "over the hill" out of my mind. I would guess that I'm like most busy Mom's...too hard on myself! Here's hoping I start to accept the inevitable over the next year and eventually embrace it. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest friends...whew!

UPDATE: After chewing on what you all had to say, I realized I shouldn't "sweat the small stuff" and God knows I have better things to worry about than how old I am, LOL! Seriously, I figure it's out of my control so I have to let my anxiety about it go and try my best to set a good example for the rest of my friends who are right behind me. Thanks for the reality check! :)


Chris said...

Oh Kimmie age is just a state of mind! 40 is no longer over the hill either...40 is the new 30 so they say...I'm right behind ya in a couple of years so you have to go into this gracefully for the rest of us...ok??? LOL!
Besides, just think of what a kick butt bday it's going to be...we're doing a GIRLY trip I'm telling you!

Anonymous said...

i echo chris! 40 IS the new 30! and as long as you have great friends and family, you got nothing to be scared about! own 40!! tell 40 to stick it! you gonna be great, girl!!!

Rising Rainbow said...

Well if 40 is over the hill, I'm in big trouble. Age is only a number. I am on the other side of 60 and I breed and train my own horses. You can do whatever you want with your life and age will be a factor only if you let it.

Kimmie Kay said...

Thank you all for the wise words and encouragement! After an on-the way-home-from-work long distance chat with my BFF Ree, I am feeling a bit better about things. Just wish I didn't have to go FIRST, LOL! Rising Rainbow- you're an inspiration! I think my mantras for the next year will be "40 is just a number", and "40 is the new 30". :)