Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Coming Clean

OK, so here I am saying I'm sorry again for not being able to keep up with the blog. I am letting you all know in this post what we have been dealing with and then hope to move on to happier posts. I decided to leave my husband back in March and we are going through a divorce at this time. It's been for coming for a few years and got to the point that became clear to me that it couldn't be saved. This is not a decision I take lightly and am saddened by it. We haven't been living together for over 2 months. The girls are adjusting as well as can be expected at this point, we are blessed to have a wonderful support network including family friends, guidance counselors, therapists, and recently new friends at church. We are all now at a point where we are starting to move on and get back to some sort of normalcy, so I hope to be able to find the time and energy soon to post some of the things I've missed.

I'm not saying anything to solicit sympathy (but prayers would be appreciated), but so you all will understand if I disappear from time to time. It's just a difficult time right now. I have been reading your blogs all the while, but just couldn't find it in me to write anything, hope you all understand and will keep checking back in on the girls and I when you can. Happy Independence Day to you and yours too!!!