Sunday, September 9, 2007

Notes From The Sick Ward...

Well blogger pals, it's been a bummer here this week (for the past 2 weeks for me)...everyone has been sick. Yes folks, all at the same time and with different ailments...what fun! Caroline has had more trouble with her ears and is now on Sudafed and Nasonex daily. Kaley had unexplained high fevers for 2 days, and after last week with viral labrynthitis (a middle ear infection that causes problems with balance/dizziness), I came down with the flu or one heck of a cold. Doug has been a saint this week going to the pharmacy for us and sleeping on the couch to help me get rest so I could go to work at least half of the week. The kids have since mended, but I did not re-join the human race until this evening. I promptly did 3 loads of laundry, cooked a casserole for dinner and headed for the grocery store in an effort to play catch up. Sadly, it was then that I heard my hubby sneeze...oh yes, he managed to escape the germs all week only to be stricken with the dreaded cold on his weekend off poor guy! Good thing I'm feeling better so I can take care of him now. :) So, I haven't been up to blogging for a while, but am finally back in the saddle again...


Chris said...


Glad you're feeling better. I was hoping you'd kick in there today.
Hope this week is better for everyone and Doug gets well soon.

Kimmie Kay said...

Thanks! It's so nice to feel like a human again, even though I'm not 100%...I'll gladly take it, LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your sicknesses in the family! But glad you are all feeling better. Hope your hubby gets to feeling well again real soon. We are off to the doc today ourselves. Joe perforated his eardrum yesterday! ouch! have a great monday, Kimmie Kay! :)

Kimmie Kay said...

Thanks Katie, but it was a pretty crappy Monday anway. Hope Joe's doc appt. went well, poor ear!

Anonymous said...

Hope you all feel better soon!

Kimmie Kay said...

Thanks Melanie, we are all on the mend now. :)