Monday, September 3, 2007

Movie Review

OK, I'm not a professional movie critic or anything, but just have to encourage everyone to check out Akeelah and the's awesome! I have been begging my kids to watch it with me (they were less than enthused), but I caught it on late on Showtime last night and am so happy I did. Maybe it's because I've had teachers on the brain lately with school staring and all, or because I'm in the helping professions and value the sense of community, but this flick really inspired me! It's a feel good movie for sure and had bits of Hollywood "this can't possibly be real" moments, but the overall messages were so positive for kids. Without giving the movie away, it teaches kids to never give up, believe they can do anything they set their mind to and that it truly does take a village to help raise a child. It's also inspiring to adults to go the extra mile and invest in kids and their future. I will admit that I squeezed out a few tears in the end and am "forcing" my kids to sit down and watch this me and I seriously urge you all to check it out and let me know what you think...

Happy Labor Day to You!


Anonymous said...

I am definitly going to check this movie out, girl! thanks for the review. Hope you had a great weekend, Kimmie! :)

Chris said...

I have it on my Netflix que. Haven't gotten around to it yet but I do want to see it.

Kimmie Kay said...

Honestly Katie, I was thinking of you and some others when I wrote this. :) I should have said that it's not a movie for younger kids (over their head) but school-aged kids can relate I think. You and Chris need to let me know what you thought after you see it...