Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I've Been Tagged...

by Katie at Cup of Joe to answer these questions in an effort for us bloggers to get to know each other better, so here goes:

Tell me something you really like about yourself:

Honestly, the thing I like about myself most is that I have always helped others and feel compelled to do so. I guess it's no surprise that I'm a social worker, huh?! I like knowing that I have done or given something to help someone else and I try my best to encourage my family to be the same way. This applies to charities, friends, family, strangers as well as to my clients. This can be my downfall at times too since there are always so many people that need help and so little time, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

If life gave "do-overs", would you have many? Tell me one.

I would have to say that anytime I have hurt someone I love unintentionally I wish I could do it over. The one that sticks out in my mind would be not finishing college the first time around (I started at 18 and graduated at 38 with a 14 year lapse in the middle). This disappointed my parents (and myself) and for years I felt so badly about it. I thank my parents for the support and encouragement they gave me while I finally finished. On the bright side...I did appreciate the experience so much more as an older student. :)

What would you like to be remembered for after you're gone?

Simply put, I would hope to be remembered for being the best Mom I could be to my wonderful girls! Also, the best wife, daughter, sister, and friend and as someone who always did what she could for others.

Knowing what you know now, what one piece of wisdom would you like to pass on to future generations?

I would specifically like to pass on the idea of believing in and staying true to yourself to my daughters. I think everyone has struggled at one time or another with trying to be accepted and I want my kids to know how great they are and how proud I am of them and that they should never do or be something they're not to impress another.

Is your life: a)harlequin romance b) an atlas c) a mystery d) sci-f e) other. EXPLAIN your choice.

OTHER. My life is the typical combo platter since all of my roles encompass some of these things at various times I think. I'm gonna answer this one in a different way... I WISH my life had a bit more a, lots more b, a bit less c and d and lots more comedy for relief, ha ha!

That's it for me, please consider yourself tagged bloggers and repost these questions if you can.


Heather said...

Oh these were great answers! Im glad you decided to play along

Anonymous said...

Love your answers, Kimmie! Thanks for playing. Awesome getting that degree regardless of how long it took you. That would inspire so many people. and it's very obvious how much you love your beautiful girls! you are a great mom!

Kimmie Kay said...

Thanks Katie and Heather!!! :)