Monday, July 9, 2007

Top 5 Things I Love About Having Tonsilitis

1. You can eat as much sherbet as you want...woohoo! (although I think it will be a long time before I eat any again)

2. You don't have to go to work! (the work piles up, but you're just too sick to care)

3. Family members feel so sorry for you that they wait on you (thank Goodness cause I didn't have the energy to take care of myself).

4. You're throat is so swollen on the outside, that you get right to the front of the line at the local pharmacy. (nuf said)

5. Your fever gets so high that you barely remember the whole ordeal, especially when you agreed to let your kids do things you normally wouldn't (but your family members will remind you of what a baby you were).


Anonymous said...

oh, man! so sorry about your illness. but you have a great attitude and at least you can look on the bright side of things. :) get well soon, girl and enjoy the pampering from your family members!

Kimmie Kay said...

Thanks! I must have been delirious with fever when I wrote that, LOL! I went to work today and am finally on the mend. :)

Chris said...

So that's what it was??? Geez, you, Lindsay, me we all got sick the same week...what's up with that?
Glad you're feeling better.

Kimmie Kay said...

Don't forget that both of my parents had it too C! Yikes...

Anonymous said...

Bummer, but that is a funny list! LOL! Glad you are on the mend my friend!