Monday, June 25, 2007

"Just another MANIC Monday..."

OK bloggers, so today sucked real bad, prepare yourself for stressed out Mom's rant:

The girls were a bit under the weather and between that and hubby's snoring, I got about 2 or 3 hours of sleep. So we all slept through the alarm and rushed around in that panicked "oh man we're late and gotta fly" spasm (which of course makes you only move slower and forget things). I was so exhausted that I nearly forgot to rinse the conditioner outta my hair in the shower, LOL! Hubby drops the sickly kids off at my sis's for the day and heads to work while I am still getting ready (and sweating while blow drying my hair). As I run out the door, I pass the thermostat and realize that it is 84 degrees INSIDE my house, yikes! Since I had a major meeting this afternoon and was already late, I left cursing the Bad Luck God all the way to work. (Note: everyone that knows my family and I can testify that we truly have the worst luck EVER and these challenges always happen in 3's with us sadly...I'm not lyin either). So after work and the meeting (which was the only thing that went smoothly today), I pick up the kids and try my best to figure why the AC compressor outside won't work while hubby was still at work. I spent the next hour on the phone with our warranty on hold trying to file a claim, only to be told that "someone" will call me back within the next 24 hours. So I figure I've got about a snowball's chance in hell that it'll be fixed tomorrow. Let me just say, me without AC in FL is sooooo not a pretty picture!

OK, so I realize that we are all still together and have a roof our our heads and food to eat, but just needed to vent a bit about that. I'm sure we've all had days like this where we wish (like I did) that we could just have a "do over". :) As I settle in for the long, hot night ahead, I can't help but faintly hear "wish it were Sunday"....rambling around in my brain, tee hee. Keep your fingers crossed for us all that we don't wither away. :)


Chris said...

Crap Kim that sucks! Hope they call back early tomorrow and you can get it fixed. Look at the bright'll be HERE in three more days and MY A/C works!
Glad the meeting went well and you survived the day.
HUGS TO YOU! I feel for ya'll tonight...I know you're hating life! It sucks to try to sleep like that. Drop me a line in the morning.

Anonymous said...

oh, man! i hate when my air goes out and it always seems to happen to us in the middle of august when georgia is at it's hottest. oh, it puts me in a foul mood, girl. so i can feel your pain!! i really hope it get fixed very soon!

Kimmie Kay said...

Thanks C and Katie! Today was a much better day, hooray! Still no air, but hopefully by this time tomorrow night I will be chillin (literally), LOL!

And...OK, so who the heck is Rodrigo??

Anonymous said...

oooh, you gots yourself a latin lovah, muchacha!! haha!
girl, rodrigo has left me some stuff on cuppa joe too. it's spam. i just go and delete his comments. :)

Chris said...

Can't believe you got spammed! Darn it! Latin Lovah...too funny Katie.

SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kimmie Kay said...

OK Katie, how exactly do you delete the spam comments?! LOL! Can't figure it out...